Higg Index

Higg Index

Higg Index

The Higg Index is an apparel and footwear industry self-assessment standard for assessing environmental and social sustainability throughout the supply chain. It was developed by the Sustainable Apparel Coalition, a nonprofit organization founded by a group of fashion companies.


What Is Higg FEM?

The Higg facility environmental module (Higg FEM) is a sustainability assessment tool that standardizes how facilities measure and evaluate their environmental performance, year over year.

The Higg FEM Is Designed To:

  • Measure and quantify the sustainability impacts of a facility
  • Reduce redundancy in measuring and reporting sustainability performance
  • Drive business value through reducing risk and uncovering efficiencies
  • Create a common means and language to communicate sustainability to stakeholders

What Are The Benefits Of Higg?

  • Higg index practice helps a factory to identify a range of sustainability opportunities and risks in the facility through the supply chain.
  • To learn adequately about the future sustainability impacts and evaluate the performance
  • By using this standard tool future sustainable strategy and leadership establishment can be developed for long term goals.
  • It also helps to avoid the waste of time and cost and proper utilize of time.

What To Know Before You Get Started?

  • Facilities should be honest and transparent when completing assessment.
  • The Higg FEM is not a pass/fail assessment, rather a tool that identifies opportunities to improve and it’s not an audit.

Benefits Of Working With GCL:

  • Network of Overseas Strategic Partners about 50 countries.
  • SAC approved world recognized Verifier & Trainer
  • Recognized all over the world
  • Web Discussion Group
  • Fixed price for all and Competitive Quotations

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