FSSC Accreditation:

The FSSC 22000 Scheme is managed by Foundation FSSC 22000 and governed by an independent Board of Stakeholders, consisting of representatives from several sectors in the food industry.

To ensure transparency and involvement of the industry, an Advisory Committee makes recommendations regarding several topics, including technical aspects like unannounced audits & Food Fraud, guidance documents, and scheme revisions. The Advisory Committee reports to the Board of Stakeholders.

The Foundation is governed by strict by-laws ensuring the continuing independency, non-profit nature and transparency. This also ensures that the finances are properly managed, all costs of the Scheme are as low as possible and there is no funding to other organizations or individuals. The Foundation facilitates and owns the Scheme and manages its use by licensed certification bodies. The FSSC 22000 ownership of the Scheme has its legal ground in copy-, trademark- and other intellectual property rights under Dutch and international law.

This standard distinguishes from other food safety certification Schemes because of its focus on certifying the Food Safety Management System of an organization.

GCL International Accredited by FSSC for certification of FSSC 22000.

GCL International accredited by UKAS, IOAS, FSSC, FCB and etc.

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